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Press one to be stalked

Gae was required to complete 10-12 call centre telephone evaluations within the space of a week. These assignments required her to telephone the call centre, and enquire about a home loan. Given that it was a large organisation, it was assumed that the chances of getting the same operator twice were fairly small.

Gae completed all evaluations without a problem until she attempted to complete the second last assignment. It turned out she had already spoken to the operator, and had been regarded as some kind of lunatic for the abnormally high number of phone calls she had made within the last week. Gae had been identified through caller id and was accused of being an obsessed stalker. She remained speechless as the operator lectured her for 10 minutes (what could she say?).

Gae was then transferred to the supervisor who threatened to call the police if she continued to make the nuisance calls. She was also told that the calls had been logged and would be used against her if the matter ever went to court. Needless to say she never made another call to that particular call centre!

(Ed - we can only wonder how that last telephone evaluation would have turned out.)

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